Update 0.79 Heralds of Freedom
A new Battle Pass season, a new port with completely redesigned lighting, map redesigns - this and much more awaits you in the May update.
Battle Pass: Heralds of Freedom

- The new season of the Battle Pass is available from May 1 to May 31. Discover the opportunity to complete 40 BP stages, each of which gives you access to valuable prizes.
- Become the best and get the main award of the season - the American cruiser USS Arkansas.
- The main reward of the season can be obtained by absolutely all players who have completed the Battle Pass to the end.
- Buying the Premium Battle Pass will unlock 5 stages of the BP, immediately unlocking the opportunity to get the unique reward of the fourth stage - the epic avatar of Anita Ross.
- Buying the VIP Battle Pass unlocks 10 stages of BP and immediately unlocks access to 4 unique rewards, which we'll talk about below.
- Complete daily missions and unlock unique rewards, including the epic USS Arkansas cruiser !
Cruiser USS Arkansas (CGN-41):
T3, available in the free part of the Battle Pass.
- BGM-109 Tomahawk Block IV missiles [1x1] (locked)
- CHAMP missiles [2x1]
- Mark 45 Mod 4 cannons [3x1]
- Mark 48 Torpedoes (533mm) [1x1]
- RAH-66 Comanche helicopter [1x1]
- Sea RAM air defence [2x1]
- MK 38 Mod 3 Autocannons [6x1] (locked)
One of four Virginia-class nuclear-powered guided missile cruisers in the US Navy. The cruiser is notable for its compact size and original armament. The ship has undergone a modernisation, during which the air defence complex was replaced by an additional point for the installation of large-calibre naval guns in the bow, bringing the total number of guns to three - 2 guns in the bow and one in the stern. The cruiser is equipped with basic "Mark 45 Mod 4" guns of 127mm calibre, but can be replaced with more powerful guns. In the aft section of the ship are launchers with exclusive "BGM-109 Tomahawk Block IV" missiles, which are an improved version of the basic missile with accelerated targeting, increased range and a decent safety margin. The ship's missile armament includes an open dual slot with "CHAMP" basic missiles and a single slot with "Mark 48" torpedoes for anti-submarine warfare. The cruiser has high firepower, but lacks a layered defence against air threats. The ship has two SeaRAM missile air defence points and 6 MK38 Mod 4 dual-purpose autocannons pre-installed to fire at enemy ships and protect the ship from air threats.
V-247 Vigilant helicopter:
T3, available in the VIP Battle Pass.

"Vigilant Railgun (60mm)"
A heavy aircraft-grade 60mm calibre railgun designed to engage air and ground targets. -
"Fury" Planning Munition
A small and lightweight planning munition designed to be mounted on tactical unmanned aerial system platforms. -
"LAU-10 (127mm) x3"
Unguided 127mm calibre UAM housed in three containers.
A prototype of a large, unmanned, attack convertible for the US Navy. The Convertible has a decent margin of safety and high flight speed. The vehicle is primarily designed to detect and fire on surface targets and to protect the ship from enemy aircraft. The absence of pilots allowed the Vigilant 60mm calibre railgun to be installed on board. The gun features increased power and a small magazine capacity, and is also capable of firing against aircraft. There are two launchers with 12 small and light "Fury" rounds, perfect for penetrating enemy air defences and as triggers for releasing enemy decoys at medium range. On each console of the convertible are 127mm unguided UAM, housed in three "LAU-10" containers, which will surprise you with their close-range damage. Two "JSM" anti-ship missiles, with impressive damage and long-range launch capability, are mounted on the side mounts in the lower hull.
F-117A Nighthawk strike fighter:
T3, available in the VIP Battle Pass.

"Pyros" barrage Munition
Tactical small barrage ammunition for engaging surface targets. Launches a large number of munitions in a salvo to defeat enemy air defences. -
"SCALPEL" planning Bomb
A US laser-guided small bomb designed to engage surface targets. -
"B-90" thermonuclear bomb
American thermonuclear bomb. Can be used against submarines and surface targets. -
"AGM-131 SRAM" nuclear missile.
Long-range air-to-ground nuclear missile.
American single-seat, subsonic, low-observable tactical attack aircraft with additional internal bays to accommodate precision-guided weapons. The attack wing consists of two vehicles, giving the aircraft an impressive safety margin and increasing its survivability in combat. Several types of nuclear weapons are carried on board. The first is the AGM-131 SRAM long-range air-to-ground nuclear missile. Each aircraft fires two missiles simultaneously in a salvo, for a total of 4. If hit, the missiles cause additional damage to the area. The second design is the American B-90 free-fall thermonuclear bomb. It can be used successfully against both underwater and surface targets. These bombs fly to the target in clusters, increasing the chances of hitting the enemy. The weapon bays also contain American SCALPEL small laser-guided bombs for hitting surface targets, which can be used at both short and long range. Small barrage tactical ammunition "Pyros" is designed to work at close range, has a quick reload and when the salvo is released a large number of ammunition on the target, which can be successfully used as a spam weapon to suppress enemy air defences.
Maritime Strike missile:
T3, available in the VIP Battle Pass.

A new American long-range supersonic missile. When launched, the missile rapidly gains altitude, follows a spiral trajectory and descends almost vertically to its target, making it difficult for air defence systems to intercept.
RIM-162D anti-aircraft missile:
T3, available in the Premium Battle Pass.

American air defence system using the RIM-162B anti-aircraft missile in conjunction with the Mk.29 tilting container launcher. This model fires two missiles simultaneously at the air threat with a short delay, providing good performance due to the high initial and maximum flight speeds of the anti-aircraft missiles, improved targeting and high damage.
Legendary Wild West Camouflage:
Available in VIP Battle Pass.

Camouflage with the image of a mysterious horseman against the backdrop of the harsh deserts of the Wild West.
Epic Hot Rod camouflage:
Available in the Premium Battle Pass.

Camouflage featuring bright flames against a dark red paint on the hull.
Rare Champion Camouflage:
Available in the free part of the Battle Pass.

Contrasting camouflage that colors the hull in white, blue and red. Effectively makes the ship stand out on the battlefield.
DJ Jukebox's legendary avatar.
Available in the Premium Battle Pass.

A renowned DJ, spinning the best tunes across the oceans. Available in Heralds of Freedom Battle Pass.
Anita Ross' epic avatar
Available in the Premium Battle Pass.

Stylish disco dancer. Dazzling on the dance floor. Available in Heralds of Freedom Battle Pass.
A rare Billy Barnes avatar
Available in the free part of the Battle Pass.

A stern cowboy, determined and courageous conqueror of the wild. Available in Heralds of Freedom Battle Pass.
Country Flags Added:
In this update, the flags of the following countries will be available for purchase for gold:
- Libya
- Paraguay
- Hungary
- Panama
Vault Battle Pass
A new season has been added to the Vault of Passes: The Sea Brotherhood from the 23rd of September. It will provide players with valuable VIP rewards from the previous Battle Pass, customisation, and a fast Japanese submarine with hypersonic missiles on board - the JS Izanami. The submarine is a very dangerous opponent for both surface targets and other submarines, able to quickly and stealthily take tactical positions in battle and launch pre-emptive strikes.
🛠 Additionally:
New harbour.
Enjoy the long-awaited new anchorage - the bay of the coastal city! Gentle breezes, festive fireworks and glass skyscrapers on the horizon await! - Completely redesigned harbour lighting.
3. Inventory size increased from 300 to 400 units
4. Added display of inventory capacity and current amount of equipment.

Balance Changelog:
With the release of the update you can expect a rather wide list of balance changes to ships and equipment. You can read about it in a separate article.
Some of the maps that will be available to players with the release of the update have also undergone varying degrees of revision.
- The Hidden Dragon map, which is available in Team Battle, Squad Wars, and Custom Game modes, has received a number of revisions to its ship spawns. Aircraft carrier spawns have been moved slightly back from their primary location. Ship spawns are now divided into 2 groups, and like aircraft carriers, the groups are separated by some distance. This will allow for more effective defence of the allied carrier, providing more variation in terms of different combat tactics on one side, and more unpredictability of enemy actions on the other.
- The Monstrous Malström map, available in Team Battle, Squad Wars and Custom modes, has been completely rebalanced. Both the location and size of the islands themselves have been changed. The location of ship and carrier spawns has been redesigned. Compared to the old map, the new map is much more dynamic in terms of combat, more compact in terms of island placement, and much more variable. Players now have many more options in terms of direction, and carriers do not feel as impotent as before.
- The Polar Frontier map, available in Team Battle, Squad Wars and Custom Game modes, is a new winter map based on the Monstrous Malstrom. The time of day has been changed from day to night, and you will also find the mesmerising Northern Lights in the sky. The active phase of combat on this map starts quite quickly, and you never know which side the enemy will come from. The presence of a large number of small islands on the map adds to the unpredictability of the battle, and victory in battle depends directly on the cohesion of the team.
🛠 Bugfixes:
- Fixed a number of bugs in the project analysis.
- Players could undo their progress - fixed.
- When authorising with a guest account, it was not possible to start a battle in the game modes window - fixed.
- RF Project 2145 ship had missing keel track - fixed.
- Helicopter equipment characteristics changed depending on the selected ship - fixed.
- Shells were passing through Type054B ships when firing machine gun from helicopter - fixed.
- Battle Pass title changed to the name of the pass purchased in the Pass Warehouse - fixed.

29 April 2024
MW Balance changelog [0.79]
We are excited to present an extensive list of balance edits to ships and equipment based on requests from the Modern Warships player community.

Modern Warships: Unidentified threat
Danger looms over Earth. One of the factions has taken possession of the remains of an unidentified flying object that proves the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization. The key to survival will be given to the faction that delivered to the port and investigated the object first.
It's time to unite in the fight against the unknown and defend our right to exist in the universe!