A-14B Equalizer - the successor to the legendary A-10 Thunderbolt
Equip your fleet with powerful 6th generation attack aircraft support!

A-14B Equalizer - a concept strike fighter designed to replace the legendary A-10 Thunderbolt. This attack aircraft retains the main advantages of its predecessor. Its powerful melee-to-middle range of weapons and excellent durability allows it to inflict colossal damage on enemies in a short period of time.

6 June 2023
Update 0.66.0 Chaos Harbingers
Update 0.66.0 Chaos Harbingers is available! New content and bug fixes await you.

New Hampshire, the legendary battleship of the future
New Hampshire is coming to the market! We are pleased to announce that New Hampshire will be available for transactions between players on the market starting July 1.